Welcome to a small glimpse of our family's life.
Our prayer is that your heart may be encouraged to draw closer to Christ as we share what He is doing in our lives.
Laura is 15!
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Celebrating 15 years of an adventurous life!
Happy Birthday, Laura!!!
"Thy Hands have made me and fashioned me: Give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments."
Written by Tanya "O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together," Ps. 34:3 A s I have reflected over this past year, I am in awe of God's faithfulness, care, and provisions yet again. Yes, our Lord is always the same yesterday, today, and forever; but, I continue to stand amazed as I see His hand and love in personal ways. Back in February, the Lord birthed a long-time vision to begin music recordings for our family. It has been our heart's desire for many years now, and in the Lord's beautiful timing, He saw fit to let the process truly take off this year. It has been a huge project as my precious husband, Ron, has invested and been the mastermind behind engineering it all. Our livingroom has turned into a portable music studio, and we have all grown accustomed to the words being sent throughout the house, "Going hot!" All becomes quiet--even down to the little ones, as those who are recording proceed and others turn to quiet pro...
💥💥💥HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!! 💥💥💥 Our God is so faithful. It has been a big journey, and we gratefully see His provision and blessing in every step along the way…. We are excited to announce The Ron Linzey Family music albums are available for purchase NOW!!! Order your copies of *Faith* and *Beyond the Cross* TODAY!🎬🎧🎙💿 🍁🍂🪵🦃 Looking for a perfect Christmas gift🎁 for someone needing inspiration🎹, encouragement🎵, soothing serenade🎻, or simply great music to add to their collection?🎶 The timing couldn’t be better, as the holiday season is here.📯❄️⛄️ 👉🏻Want to hear a sneak preview of our albums? Check out our websites at: •Faith — faith •Beyond the Cross — beyond-the-cross 👉🏻 You can order your physical albums and/or download your copies through Amazon here: Faith — https://www.amazon.com/Faith-Anna-Christina-Linzey/dp/B0BKPX12TL/ref=sr_1_17?qid=1670874458&refinements=p_32%3AChristina&s=music&sr=1-17 Beyond the Cross — ht...
Some mountains are just breathtakingly beautiful. Other mountains are daunting and scary. Being a very neat and tidy person, I began to get a little overwhelmed as a young mother when my children were multiplying as well as my dishes and laundry at a very rapid rate. Sometimes it seemed that all my days and time consisted of was tackling the overwhelming mountains of dishes and laundry. Now, a mother of sixteen, I have had a few years of climbing experiences to the top of those mountains as well as God strengthening me to move those mountains by His grace and wisdom. These two areas are ones many moms struggle with, and I would like to share some “tips” that have helped me “top” those mountains and see brighter days. DISHES: Most of the time we have not had a dishwasher. But even as we do have one now, we choose not to use it most of the time. 1) it takes much more time to wash, and 2) it can take even longer to dry. Drain boards are my best dish friends. 1. ...
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