Surrendering to FULL-TIME Ministry

By Elisabeth

"I think the Lord may be calling me to full-time Ministry. Let me explain…

"You see, when I watch all the little children as they come filing into the Church from the buses on Sunday morning I am filled with compassion. I look into their eyes and notice the void as the only place many of them find true love is here at Church. I think I'm called to be a bus worker."

"Vacation Bible School was such a blessing this year! What joy filled my heart to get up in front of my class of 20 young girls and teach them the Bible stories…they were like dry sponges, soaking in every word. Oh! how hard it was to say 'bye' at the end of that week; it flew by so quickly! I would be able to invest in them so much more if I had them longer. I think I'm called to be a Sunday School teacher."

"I know I have the talents for being a minister's aid. If my father was a Church leader, I could help alot more with planning and organizing church activities -- such as ladies' teas and get togethers. I could really be a great asset in helping with discipleship programs. I really enjoy one-on-one discipling, I know I'd be a great Biblical counsellor. I think I'm called to be a minister's aid."

"I really have a heart for missions. All the lost people out there who have never heard of Jesus and have never felt the love of Christ are a burden on my heart. If I was out there, I'd tell everyone about God! When people would hear me speak, whether in private conversation or in a large group, they would hear the praise of God and be told of His love for them. I would take to heart the Apostle Paul's charge to be instant in season out of season and would be 'on call' 24/7, available for anyone who needed a listening ear or a word of counsel. I'm willing to live for Christ, and ready to die for Him. I think I'm called to be a missionary."

I don't know about you, but thoughts like these have crossed my mind more than once. Woe to the Christian who does not have a heart for reaching out to the lost! God would that each and every one of us humbly surrender to full-time ministry!

But wait…let's take a deeper look at the call of "full-time" ministry. Imagine with me that I stepped up and fulfilled each one of those callings mentioned above... taking my present flaws and weaknesses with me as I go. Think realistically… and remember, this is FULL-TIME ministry. Here's the scenario:

It's Sunday morning…

"Morning, Joseph. No, I can't tie your shoe right now. I'm in a hurry and have to leave to get to the bus…right now! Sorry, Sarah, maybe Joanna can get you some toast. Stop crying now. Listen, I've got to go; the bus was supposed to leave 5 minutes ago and I'm the main helper on there, so I need to go now. Who's keeping me from closing the door?! Fine, I'll give you a hug QUICKLY, but I've seriously GOT TO GO! …You'll have to ask Mama. And don't be late! Bye!"

On the Church bus…
"Good morning, Charlie! It's so nice to see you. I'm glad you were able to come to Church this morning!"
"Do you mind if I sit by you, Kate? Is something bothering you? You're looking sad today." ('She does have a really rough home life, maybe I should bring her a little something next week to show her I care.')
"Josie, what a pretty tune you're singing! Did you make it up? Maybe I can help you put some words to it."
"Ha! Ha! We're pretty snug all trying to fit on this seat together! It's so good to go to Church together!"

In Sunday School…

"Welcome girls! It's so good to see all of your smiling faces! Today, we're going to learn about the fruits of the Spirit…

"Sandy, you need to sit still now and be a good girl. Remember, I have a special prize for all the girls who pay really good attention and answer my questions at the end of the lesson!
"Tiara, turn around please. This is my favorite fruit, the lovely fruit of gentleness…
"You girls behaved so nicely! We'll be even better next week, right? Remember to color the picture of the girl being kind and bring it back next Sunday to show me.  "Of course I'll give you a hug, Maggie! I love getting hugs from my sweet girls."

Sunday Afternoon…
"Caleb, will you just go out of my room. This is not a good time to help you with your Bible club devotions…I haven't even had a chance to have my own quiet time.

"Charity, can you not be quiet for a minute?! You know I'm exhausted on Sunday afternoons and it would be nice to have at least a little rest without someone else chattering!

"I'm sorry to hear that, Laura. Maybe you can get some advice from Anna. I really would like some time to think in silence, by myself right now. I've had a long day and I really need some peace and quiet!
"Sarah and Joseph! Stop that bickering and don't be so loud! You two just need to learn how to get along!

"Can someone help Mama get Daniel. Carolyn, I've already told you 4 times to put your shoes ON. Joseph, hurry! Christina and Joshua, we don't have time for people to be playing around. Y'all need to grow up and see what you can be doing to help…and HURRY, we need to get to Church on time!"

Vacation Bible School Morning…
"And so when you go home you can practice saying this memory verse to your mommy! Let's all say it together one more time. Ready? Begin, 'Colossians chapter three verse sixteen ~ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. ~ Colossians chapter three verse sixteen.' Very good!"

VBS Afternoon at home…
"Oh, what were you saying, Joseph?" ('Now where was that photo??')
"Girls, when we are praying before lunch, it's not a family prayer meeting, so just say your add-ons quietly so we can eat." ('I hope I can get to Hobby Lobby before they close!')
"Caleb, sit up. Carolyn, stay sitting down. Eat quickly. Joshua, don't take such big bites! Did you ask Mama? Don't knock on her door right now. Y'all be quiet, she's trying to get a quick nap. I'll be right back, make sure you let me know if someone is not obeying. Stop tattling! Sarah, don't ignore your brother! Joanna, the best way to stop an argument is to not answer. Christina and Charity, take initiative; there's so much to be done and so little time! The best way to help is to only do as you're told. Yes, you may be excused. Go sit on the couch and don't talk; it's nap time. Answer when I call you! I can't hear you. Don't shout in the house! Y'all are being so negative today, can't you say something nice?! After all, who remembers your memory verse you were supposed to learn today? ('I hope I don't have to remind them…what was it anyway???')

Friday Afternoon…
"No, I can't do a tea party with you today, Caleb. You'll have to ask me later. Sarah! Don't mess with that hat! I need it for the ladies' tea time tomorrow."
"Umm, can we talk about that later, Christina? I'm trying to write this letter to that girl who is needing some encouragement."
"Well, Laura, you may need to just write your thoughts in your journal; I need to meet with the young lady I'm counseling in 10 minutes."
"Josiah, we may need to plan that later. I've been asked to put together an activity for my Sunday School class. Besides, the weather is not conducive for family bike-rides this week."

Mission's Conference…
"Lord, please help me to reach out more. And if you want me to go to Africa, I'm willing to live for You, and ready to die for You! I'm surrendering to full-time ministry."

Willing to live and die… for Christ?? Reach OUT more?? Surrendering to FULL-TIME ministry?? What is "ministry"? And what does "full-time" mean?

Ministry is the action of giving of one's self and resources to effectively meet the needs of others.
Full-time means…well, I believe the Apostle Paul put it very accurately when he charged Timothy to be instant in season out of season. THAT'S FULL-TIME. It means always on call, even when it's on your let-loose break hour... even when you get off the Church bus, lock the classroom door, turn off the office light, and close your living room door behind you to sit in your favorite recliner.

Do you have siblings? Or do you have children of your own? Have you surrendered to full-time ministry? The call is upon every Christian. When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, He set you free from the bondage of sin and took you in as His child. You are forgiven and are clothed in the righteousness of God's Son Jesus. He is your Savior! Thus, He is also your Lord since He bought you with His own precious blood. Each one who places his life under the Lordship of Christ has a call upon his life to daily surrender to FULL-TIME ministry. Not everyone will be used as a preacher, teacher, or an officially titled church leader, but every born again believer is called to minister Christ to those in his life... in season out of season -- when he is officially 'prepared' or just in the mundane daily routine of life. Do you realize that your family needs you to be surrendered to full-time ministry? Are you truly willing to live for Christ at home? Are you sincerely ready to die to your own ambitions, plans, desires, and even your own reputation for the sake of ministering the spirit of Christ to those under your own roof? It's a surrender. Have you answered the call to surrender to full-time ministry?

"And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
Dueteronomy 6:6,7


  1. Great perspective. Full time ministry often occurs at home, or during daily menial tasks. He that is faithful in little is faithful in much.

    1. So true! We are constantly being handed opportunities to practice that very thing! It is a very adventurous life for sure :)

  2. Full time ministry - it's full time? Not just at work? Great perspective!


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