Welcome Home, Elisabeth!

by Anna

It has now been a week since Elisabeth's return home after her almost four months spent in India and, though we all knew she was where the Lord wanted her to be during that time, we all are very glad to have her back home with us!

Here some of the siblings did a very good job creatively decorating for her "Midnight Welcome Home" Party :) 

We all were posted right outside the security gate eagerly anticipating her final approach :) It was mixtures of Joy and Nervousness on both sides as this had been the longest any of us had been apart from our family. 

Elisabeth ~ "I have to say I had a tinge of nervousness myself...This group was twice the size of the one I'd been with for almost a third of a year! My friends there had blessed me with a custom-made garwalli dress which I was excited to wear when I came home. That type of dress is worn by the Garwalli people scattered in the villages of the Himalayan Mountains."

For those of you who did not receive Elisabeth's updates, this excerpt from her last email explains this special moment in a very enlightening way:

 There were a few times, especially during some of the more difficult moments, that the thought of when I would be able to go home would come to mind. I tried not to entertain such a thought much in order to 'bloom where I was planted', but occasionally it would slip in regardless of permitted access. But even with all the many things that made home desirable and charming, and even more than the joy and excitement of seeing my brothers and sisters again, above all that drew my heart towards home was one thing -- seeing my father's smile and hearing him say, "Well done!". Just that, many times, would give me the engine fuel to keep 'flying'. After landing in Oklahoma City, I walked through the small, familiar airport, and rounded the corner in the place where my family was waiting. The first one to greet me was my precious father, smiling. As we embraced I heard his assuring voice saying, "Well done!"

We are here on earth on a mission, to accomplish a specific purpose. Though we should endeavor to live to the hilt each moment of life we are given, sometimes it gets difficult, dark, and even painful. The glories of Heaven seem to call to us and the joy of once again seeing loved ones so warmly thrills our weary hearts. But that which gives me courage, joy, and the strength to press on like nothing else is the sweet longing of the day when I look into the precious face of my Heavenly Father and hear Him say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!" 

I'm sure we put on quite the the entertainment as we had that grand reunion right there in the middle of the terminal exit! But we were not ashamed. We were one family welcoming our dear sister back home. "When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus..." 

This was Elisabeth and Amanda's first meeting face to face. But, with the late hour, Amanda wasn't too sure she even wanted to be there, and it didn't make since why we weren't home in bed! 

She'll know some day, but at the time Elisabeth was very understanding :)

There were tears of joy that she was back, as well as feelings of emotions some of us didn't realize would hit as the reality of separation and reunion sank in. 

There ain't nothing like siblings being best friends :) We had our support group ALL back together now.

Oh, the joy of GOING HOME ~ TOGETHER. 

We had it all set up for a party when we got back that night, and had a wonderful time of talking and telling stories, sharing experiences and more talking.

Elisabeth was able to bring home an instrument (supposedly) native to India called a Harmonium which is similar to an accordion/small piano keyboard. They use it as a transportable piano when traveling to the villages on occasions. Everyone had a fun time singing around it while Josiah played.

We are so glad to have Elisabeth back and everyone together once again! Thank you all for your prayers and support! His grace was manifested in incredible ways with Elisabeth over there, and the rest of us here, and though that season is over for the time being, we know the Lord still has more in store for each of us, and we will look forward to sharing as He directs our steps. Until Next time... 

"O come, let us sing unto the Lord:
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving,
and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
 For the Lord is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
 In his hand are the deep places of the earth:
the strength of the hills is his also.
 The sea is his, and he made it:
and his hands formed the dry land.
 O come, let us worship and bow down:
let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
 For he is our God;
and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand." 
~ Psalm 95 ~


  1. Welcome home Elisabeth!!! Ya'll did a great job with this post. I like it a lot.

  2. I can't wait to hear all about it! Welcome back home, Elizabeth.

    Aunt Esther

  3. so so happy to see this. Welcome home and I cant wait to hear all the details! God Bless you and your wonderful family!


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